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to the Homegrown Revolution!
This is a grassroots effort to educate the community of the benefits of shopping local. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to spend just 10% of your available funds at a locally owned business, and not a big-box store.
Join The Revlolution!
By investing in our local economy a chain reaction of benefits starts and our economy steadily improves.

By thinking of the world as a global economy,we have done our small, local businesses a disservice. In the last 50 years, more and more of our disposable income has been sent out of our communities and into huge big box store and giant corporation bank accounts, even overseas. Our small communities are dying. Businesses are closing, manufacturing jobs are being shipped out of the country.

We can stop the decay. We can make a difference, 10% at a time.
You can Be The Revolution!